Stunning Edmonton Sikh Wedding | Brittany and Manjot



They say love is mostly found in unexpected places. Two vastly different people, stumbling onto common ground and falling for each other. For some, it happens little by little. For others, it’s a sudden avalanche. Part of being in the post-romcom Internet Age means that great romances blossom outside of what you might think of as a ‘conventional meet-cute’. For Brittany and Manny, their love story began on Instagram! After discovering they shared a dream car — the iconic Mustang Cobra — they’d later meet to take pics of their cars together. Think of it like 101 Dalmations, but instead of dogs bringing their owners together, it’s V8 engines. As Brittany herself said, “the rest is history!” 


This past May, the two tied the knot with a beautiful traditional ceremony at the historic Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha in South Edmonton. The reception that followed, hosted at Meridian Banquet with the creative touches of M Wedding and Events, was a total joy. The Cobras, of course, had to make appearances. There’s some especially fun post-reception shots that highlight the “happily ever after, drive into the sunset” vibe that you can only get from those long stretches of Albertan highway.